The Follow Ups – Know Who Your Friends Aren’t

Here’s a fun one. Moncton’s The Follow Ups deliver their second LP – the follow up (sorry, couldn’t resist) to 2019’s The Follow Ups … Don’t Like You Either. It’s 12 tracks of goofball nonsense (plus 2 semi-serious tunes) clocking in at just under half an hour. Fans of Ramonescore (i.e. Screeching Weasel, The Queers) will lap this stuff up. “I Wanna Be With Someone” sounds like it was pilfered from the cutting room floor of the Ramones’ debut. “Reverso” (tell it to the nurse yo) has a hook so infectious you can almost forget the cringe-worthy subject matter it gleefully lampoons. Blazing fast “I’m a Yo-Yo” comes and goes in a mere 27 seconds.

Horror fans will be pleased to know this record takes three stabs at the genre. “Clue (Michael Myers Commemorative Edition)” calls out the failings of Dr. Loomis from the Halloween franchise, “Organism 46b” celebrates the tentacled horror that lives beneath Lake Vostok and “Texas Chainsong” – which is exactly what it sounds like – has the audacity to rhyme “massacre” with “happen to me”.

Snotty, unapologetic, ridiculous fun. Get this record.

Know Who Your Friends Aren’t is available on CD, vinyl and digitally through Faster and Louder Records.