Last Drag – Epitaphs

Last Drag‘s debut is a melodic punk juggernaut that blasts through 11 songs in 11 minutes. While this definitely isn’t the first record to pull off the trick, it’s doubtful anyone else has done it while sounding so magnificently epic. You might recognize some of the players from The Victim Party and Tragic Hearts. Epitaphs – penned by Tabi Irani (vocals) and Jesse Colburn (guitar) – is an exercise in catharsis.

Opener “Art Is Just Indulgence Until Someone Appreciates It” is a raw blast of emotion that lasts just 28 seconds. “Forgiveness Isn’t Absolution” is a fast and frenetic hot minute. “Learn To Take A Punch And You’ll Never Be Scared Again” stands out with Steinman-eque piano lines that climb and climb.

Irani’s vocals stand front and centre – multi-tracked and layered to perfection with pitch-perfect harmonies. She sings with an urgency as if she’s on fire (and may actually have been considering lyrics like “nothing is beautiful and everything hurts”)

Epitaphs was one of my favourite releases of 2024. My only gripe is with its brevity. More please.

Epitaphs is available digitally and on cassette via Rubber Factory.