You don’t have to like Smashing Pumpkins frontman Billy Corgan. He’s arrogant, he’s prickly, he’s notoriously difficult to work with and has been known to repeatedly troll his fans for his own amusement. However, when he makes his grand proclamationsRead more…
Run The Jewels – Run The Jewels 2
I was not going to mention this album as it seems to have had a huge amount of attention. Music blogs and Twitter have been flooded with positive reviews and Killer Mike and El-P have just toured across North AmericaRead more…
Headstones – One In The Chamber Music
One In The Chamber Music is the latest offering from Kingston Can-rock vets the Headstones. They’ve gone through their back catalogue and have recorded acoustic arrangements of some familiar favourites. To make the package more enticing, a couple new songsRead more…
Playlist Monday: Dead Toronto Bands Part 3
Sentimental as I am, I sometimes succumb to bouts of nostalgia and lament the passing of Toronto bands that I really enjoyed. Or somewhat enjoyed. Or barely enjoyed. Such feelings lead me to create playlists of songs from bands youRead more…
Soen – Tellurian
In 2012, US/Swedish group, Soen debuted their first full-length album, Cognitive. The album promptly made ripples in hard rock and metal circles due in part to the band’s all-star rhythm section comprised of Martin Lopez on drums/percussion (Opeth) and bassRead more…
Culprate – Deliverance
I had this album recommended to me with the description of “interesting glitchy goodness”. I did a quick search for Culprate on Spotify and listened to the first EP I found. It was some good but fairly standard dub stepRead more…
Soso – Not For Nothing
Soso is a musician and artist from Saskatoon. His style of music has a very unique and personal sound. The music is hip hop but has a very organic sound. The drums in particular are hand picked samples and notRead more…
December Fest – Live
I wasn’t really aware there was a metal scene in Toronto until I saw Ash Lee Blade perform at the Rok Boutique back in 2009. Real metal, I mean. I knew there was metalcore to be found at the OperaRead more…
AC/DC – Rock Or Bust
I have a good rule for parties. If you follow this rule, you will have good parties. AC/DC will always make your party better. It doesn’t really matter which record. Back In Black has the most crowd pleasers. Highway ToRead more…
Beneath Augusta – You Gotta Come Down Sometime
Beneath Augusta was the evolution of (criminally under-appreciated) Toronto space-rock/shoegaze act Mellonova. After parting ways with their rhythm section, singer/guitarist Michael Brennan and guitarist Matthew Cromarty formed a new band and named it after one of the tracks on theirRead more…