It was a night of fast and furious thrash metal at the Bovine Sex Club last Thursday. Rose Management has been putting together a steady slew of metal-oriented nights over the past year or so and a scene has developed.Read more…
Tales From the Bargain Bin: Romeo Liquor Store – Switchblade
You’ve gotta respect the tenacity of Toronto band Romeo Liquor Store. I was stunned to learn a couple months ago that they are still playing shows. But I shouldn’t have been. They play a timeless sort of take-no-prisoners bar rock.Read more…
Ayahuasca – Plato’s Dark Horse
To some, classifying metal records can be a fun exercise in applying hyphens, creative adjectives or physical locations (i.e. blackened-death-metal, pirate metal, or Gotenburg metal) To others, the pigeonholing can be restrictive and cumbersome. Especially when you’re the artist andRead more…
Harvey Danger – Where Have All The Merrymakers Gone?
To many people, Harvey Danger is nothing more than their one big hit “Flagpole Sitta”. It’s a shame, really. There have been plenty of one hit wonders. Especially in the 90’s when it became commonplace for labels to push bandsRead more…
Midnight Malice – Proving Grounds
“Proving Grounds” is the debut full length from Toronto metal throwbacks Midnight Malice. It was produced by Ian Blurton which gives it some pedigree. As far as speed-metal goes It’s pretty by the numbers. Imagine if Motley Crue released aRead more…
Edgefest 3
“We’re all in the Twilight Zone where everyone thinks it’s still the 90’s” joked Sloan frontman Chris Murphy. In an evening that featured performances by four bands that enjoyed their most commercial success during that decade, it was a chanceRead more…
I Mother Earth – We Got The Love
I Mother Earth was a Can-rock staple in the 90’s. They ruled the airwaves, seemed to constantly be in heavy rotation on Muchmusic and had more hit singles than just about anyone. Led by Jag and Christian Tanna, they wereRead more…
Eve 6 – Speak In Code
Eve 6 scored their first record deal while they were still in high school. Their self-titled debut went to #1 on the modern rock charts on the back of hit single “Inside Out.” Their second album “Horrorscope” spawned the highRead more…
A Place To Bury Strangers – Strange Moon
A Place To Bury Strangers is a loud frickin’ band. If you go to one of their shows unprepared you will almost certainly lose your hearing for the next couple days after and likely suffer some sort of permanent damage.Read more…
Playlist Monday: 90’s Can-Rock
At Plastic and Wax we enjoy a good playlist. In honour of the upcoming “retro” Edgefest, here’s six slices of 90’s Can-Rock for you. Pure – Anna is a Speed Freak Doughboys – Fix Me The Pursuit of Happiness –Read more…