After two months off from writing on this blog I’d be loathe to write about anything new. I’ve got a heck of a backlog of stuff to get through. But right now I want to write about Stan Bush‘s secondRead more…
Striker – City of Gold
I like early-80’s metal, I really do. So whenever a band releases a retro-sounding NWOBHM – sorry, I meant NWOTHM – record I jump all over it. I’ve gushed over bands like Skull Fist, Phantom and Night Demon in theRead more…
Playlist Monday: Mourning The New Year
Happy New Year! Now that everyone’s back at work and/or school, we can commiserate the dreary winter weather with some gloomy music. The holidays are over. In high school I was the younger brother of a goth kid. As youRead more…
Jon’s Top 5 of 2014
2014 is done. Sadly, I didn’t get to listen to *everything* that came out this year, but I did hear a lot. There were some great records, some stinkers and a couple that I’m still not sure about. In FlamesRead more…
Playlist Monday: The Best Songs of 2014
For the last playlist of the year the bloggers of Plastic and Wax have each chosen their favourite song. A couple of these were released at the tail end of 2013, but didn’t really make their impact until this year.Read more…
Playlist Monday: Spreading The Anti-Cheer
I hate Christmas. I hate the spirit of exploitation it encourages, I hate the ham-fisted phoniness it inspires and I hate the stupid carols. Here are some Christmas songs I can get behind.
Eels – Novocaine For The Soul
When we’re young, we want to be happy and it’s something that we strive for. The simple act of doing the things that we like is enough to make us happy. As we get older, we spend less time tryingRead more…
Smashing Pumpkins – Monuments To An Elegy
You don’t have to like Smashing Pumpkins frontman Billy Corgan. He’s arrogant, he’s prickly, he’s notoriously difficult to work with and has been known to repeatedly troll his fans for his own amusement. However, when he makes his grand proclamationsRead more…
Headstones – One In The Chamber Music
One In The Chamber Music is the latest offering from Kingston Can-rock vets the Headstones. They’ve gone through their back catalogue and have recorded acoustic arrangements of some familiar favourites. To make the package more enticing, a couple new songsRead more…
Playlist Monday: Dead Toronto Bands Part 3
Sentimental as I am, I sometimes succumb to bouts of nostalgia and lament the passing of Toronto bands that I really enjoyed. Or somewhat enjoyed. Or barely enjoyed. Such feelings lead me to create playlists of songs from bands youRead more…